Monday, January 21, 2013

Learning is essential

What is learning? Learning is defined as: "The acquisition of knowledge or skills through experience, practice, or study, or by being taught." We learn all the time! Some learning is fun and some learning is not so fun and we go through it because we have to for school or other various reasons. A few days ago I learned about three different learning styles. The first one is Surface Learning. Surface learning is when you learn and memorize facts just for the purpose of an exam. The second learning style is Strategic Learning. With strategic learning you use strategies and have objectives. Finally, the third type of learning is deep learning. With deep learning you can ask three different types of questions. They are important questions, intriguing questions, and “just plain beautiful” questions. If we know these types of learning and actually apply them to our learning, we will understand so much more.
            This past week in my family relations class, we talked about some trends that I found very interesting. Some of the trends are:
  • ·         The rate of cohabitating is increasing
  • ·         The amount of people who are living alone is increasing
  • ·         Increasing divorce rate
  • ·         People are marrying later (26 for women, 28 for men)
  • ·         Birth rates are lowering
  • ·         Smaller household size
  • ·         Premarital relations are increasing
  • ·         Births to unmarried women are increasing
  • ·         More and more mothers are in the work force

Over the past years, people have been becoming more and more independent. I also feel like people are starting to communicate less. Am I the only one that thinks this? I think that the divorce rate is increasing because couples are choosing to not communicate with each other. Communication is a HUGE part of a marriage and in any relationship! I’ve seen so many relationships that have not worked out. That is because of the lack of communication. Communicate people!!!  

Friday, January 18, 2013

Other Blog's to reference

Dayna Emily Dobbins
Klarissa-sue Isaak